Hello Beautiful Lady…

I’ve been slowly trying to pull myself out of the “Blah” mood I’ve been in lately and I had actually started this exact embroidery project, using blues and purples when I recieved a newsletter from Stitched In Color about thier monthly Celebrate Color contest and I decided, “Hey, why not?!”

Nothing like a challenge with a dead-line to get me motivated. So, I ditched the first embroidery of this gal and started in using fall colors.

At times, this project felt like it took forever! I started working on this Beautiful Lady on October 6th and finally finished this piece at 1 am on October 25th!!! Why is it that I don’t work fast until dead-lines loom?

What started as an idea for a crazy quilt, somehow morphed into a not-so-crazy, but still pretty quilted wall hanging. Wishing you a beautiful fall…

p.s. -If you would like the pattern for this lady from the Roaring Twenties, she and her friends can be purchased from Sublime Stitching.